Mage Duels — by Shattered Rune.

(source – Mage Duel video)

Mage Duels is an arena fighting game developed by Shattered Rune. Game is inspired by the subculture of PvP duels in games like Ultima Online and World of Warcraft. It’s in early stage in production and is actively development by  Erik Ashcraft.  He is a programmer with 12 yeas experience and huge passion to create interesting gaming experience for PvP game play. Also he played Ultima Online 15 years on and off and with that long experience there is high potential.

Erik Ashcraft

Erik Ashcraft


Game development process stared around 2015 August. Since that Erik implemented different in game mechanics from player chat system, spell cast system and master servers and as well working with WebGL. It don’t stop here in 2016 October Mage Duels is becoming bigger. Recently welcoming new team members.

Erik says —

“There has been a lot of talk about current and future state of the game. Each person brings a new facet of ideas and experience.” 


Thats great news that means we will see new improvements form Mage Duel and more polished gaming experience. Mage Duel first brought a new developer and designer to improve overall feel of the game. One of the new members is audio engineer Stelios Goulas — we can expect new sound effects for more immersive and gaming experience.

Stay tuned for more news about Mage Duels.




In development process but you can try
PreAlpha version — Download
Platforms: linux, Windows








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